We’d like to start our Agency / Client relationship with a conversation.
The RFP process is a relic of a bygone era, when companies were more concerned with bureaucracy than with getting things done. These days, most companies don’t even know how to write an RFP, let alone evaluate the proposals that they receive. As a result, the RFP process is often a waste of time and money, and it rarely results in the best possible outcome for the company. We’d like to start our relationship with a transparent conversation. Let’s get to know each other and listen with the intent to understand the concerns and then get to work on the needs list together.
The Pitfalls of the Traditional Pitching Process
Let’s dive into the cringe-inducing traditional pitching process, folks! We’re talking about the ridiculous time and resource constraints, the abysmally low success rates for either party, and how it can strain agency-client relationships. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
It’s not that we don’t value your effort to articulate your marketing needs. If your idea of living your best life is spending days and even weeks Googling to find example RFPs and designing endless bullet points of jargon then by all means keep livin’ the dream! But we’d prefer to see you have more time for important things like actually marketing.
The Ugly Truth Behind the Traditional Pitch
Spoiler Alert – In response to your RFP labor of love a lesser agency will return their proposal to you with as little information and ideas as possible, with a total guess on the budget and timeline. Then you’ll spend days reading the fine print trying to identify which one may be the lesser of the bad options to award the project. It’s a lose-lose game but we seem to accept it as the norm. Surely by now we should have a less archaic method.
If you’re coming to us for sound marketing strategies that are sustainable and scalable – why would we embrace a process that we’ve found to be less than efficient for either of us? Let’s start the process in a more successful approach.
A Better Way
What if we told you there’s a better way? We’re self-identifying along with a rebellious bunch of digital marketing agencies as a “No-Pitch” agency. We have broken free from the shackles of pitching and are thriving without the need for soul-sucking pitches or RFPs.
[ insert interesting statistic to show the struggle is real, y’all ]
A study by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing found that the average cost for an agency to respond to an RFP is $10,000. This cost can be even higher for complex or large RFPs. In addition, we may lose money if we are not awarded the contract after responding to an RFP. And what about your expense to generate the RFP?
We’ll show you how we’ve embraced the non-RFP approach with a dash of attitude, humor, and a whole lot of success. Our hope is to inspire you ditch the pitch too and save yourself hours of crafting a very lengthy, bloated RFP that only attracts a less-experienced marketer eager to kill you by PowerPoint.
The Approach We Prefer
First, Let’s Have a Conversation. You’ve got real concerns and goals for your digital marketing. We want to listen to those first. We want to learn about you and your needs (not just the high-level company needs).
Do you want to sit through another boring PowerPoint presentation? We don’t either! Instead of a pitch – let’s schedule a conversation or two. No one enjoys a used car salesperson’s pushy hurry to sell sell sell. We show you our secret sauce in that first conversation. We need you to feel included in the process and not feel sold to. Our approach isn’t about the sale. It’s about the solution.

Let’s Build an Authentic Relationship
Second, Let’s ditch the robotic transactions and embraced the fine art of relationship-building. Our goal is genuine connections with our clients. It’s in these conversations of open dialogue that we share ah-ha moments and expose the real need and begin to outline the true definition of success together.
Collaboration and Communication
Partnerships aren’t just for couples on a romantic getaway. When you become our client we partner with you as your guide through the ever-evolving digital marketing world. We want to join forces and conquer the digital marketing universe together.
We will listen to you with the intent to understand first then solve. You’re not just another contract won. You’re a valued partner collaborating with us in a process that will evolve and, if we commit to doing the hard work, thrive!
Conversion is our Niche & Expertise
Third, We’ll stay in our lane. Generalists are so last season. But as you’ve probably seen, many digital agencies have a services list that goes on and on and on. We know what we’re good at and we stick to it. That’s a huge part of our sustainable success. Because of our decision to stay focused, not every project is for us. We won’t tell you we are your one-stop-shop. We tailor our services to specific industries and specific needs. We’ve become the agency that’s on everyone’s speed dial when they need top-notch expertise in conversion.
[ insert humble brag ]
We Get Results Every Time
We asked ourselves – “Why be just another agency when we can be the rockstar of our industry?” We showcase our expertise through thought leadership. Some of our favorite moments together will be our weekly client strategy calls where we drop some knowledge bombs, show off killer content we’ve designed, and reveal the actual desired results in your KPIs.
Success Stories: Real-Life Examples
Speaking of real results – Enough reading! Let’s get down to some juicy success stories. Here are the rebels who dared to defy the pitching norm and emerged as champions in their industries because they trusted our process. Get ready for some awe-inspiring tales and actionable insights that will leave you itching to kick those RFPs to the curb too.

The Events Calendar
Improve Conversion & ROAS
Results – 119% Conversion Increase

UX Audit / Brand Positioning
Results – 44% Conversion Increase

Petco Foundation
PPC Campaign / Micro Donations
Results – 300% Campaign Revenue Goal

CRO / Brand Positioning
Results – 65% Conversion Increase
How can you hire us?
Here’s the thing – If we believe in your product or service, and we can see a clear path to helping you improve your marketing, you’re in! We’ll share the strategies for delivering game-changing tactics that will drive results.
Forget about hiring a digital agency the equivalent of wallpaper. Reach out to us and schedule a call. Then get ready to accelerate growth, reach desired KPIs, and have fun doing it. We’ll help you shine like a supernova.
You Too Can Ditch the RFP Process
Breaking free from the pitch shackles was no easy feat, but with a sprinkle of attitude, a dash of humor, and a lot of determination, our agency thrives without succumbing to the pitch mania.
It’s time to embrace your inner rebel, build an authentic relationship with us, and let our partnered success speak for itself. So, grab your pitchfork, ditch the pitches, and pave your own path to digital marketing glory. You don’t need to work countless hours to craft some bloated RFP in hopes of finding your dream outsourced team. We’re ready to do things differently with you. The world is yours for the taking, without a single RFP, PowerPoint presentation or, sales pitch in sight. Wanna see the difference – schedule a strategy call.